Monday, November 13, 2006

Mitsisam, Washington, D.C.

Sunday afternoon we walked down towards the Capitol where the Washington National Opera simulcast was taking place and stood in the rain long enough to hear the Humming Chorus and the end of act two. Then the guys were getting peckish from lack of food, so we popped into the National Museum of the American Indian and headed to Mitsisam, their cafeteria specializing in American Indian foods from across the continent.

Jon just had a bag of chips and I just had a little pecan tart and a glass of sassafras tea. I was disappointed that they were out of fry bread! Because, I guess, it was so late in the day and attendance was way down due to the weather, more than half of the food lines were closed down, most especially the ones that served my favorite kinds of Indian food. All that was open were the Plains and the Northwest Coast counters. Robert and Matt, though, both opted for pulled bison sandwiches, with shreds of roasted bison meat piled up on a big kaiser bun and topped with a cabbage slaw of a sort. I didn't taste them, but they both reported that they were good. Matt also had some thick pumpkin cookies he liked a lot.

Matt posed for his Kody Pose using sassafras tea:


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