Sunday, April 01, 2007

Slavic D.C.

Saturday afternoon there was a Slavic Festival on the square at George Washington University, across the street from me. Robert rang me and said he was there and they had free food, so I wandered over.

We found a Croatian booth that was giving away Croatian food. It was interesting, and I'm not sure how "authentic" some of it was, but it was definitely a taste experience. Starting from the six o'clock position, then going clockwise, was a stew of chicken, sausage, and red and yellow bell peppers; the black stuff was rice with cuttlefish called crni rižot made black from the cuttlefish ink; the light brown food was a rice with seafood dish; at the top was a pasta dish with penne and bowtie shapes with vegetables and a light sauce. They chopped off slices of French baguettes as bread for the meal.


Other booths had various types of cakes and desserts and I even later saw a booth with salads and pickled vegetables, but we didn't try it.

They set up a big stage on the far end of the square where various traditional dancers and musicians performed. While we were there, they had some folk dancers performing to recorded music, but they were blasting the music through massed speakers so loudly, not only could we not hear to talk, the sound was nearly painful. We ended up leaving just to escape the noise.

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