Friday, March 18, 2005

Saint Patrick's Day in D.C.

Tony met me at the airport tonight, and after we dropped my luggage off at home we headed out for a St. Patrick's Day dinner. Even though it was after ten p.m., all of the Irish or Celtic related restaurants were absolutely jam-packed with drunken faux-Irishmen, so the only place we could find that was 1) halfway calm and 2) still open was the Afterwards Cafe.

After we were seated and got our Irish coffee orders in, what did we notice but the two business men at the adjacent table (adjacent at this cafe means the tables are barely a foot apart!) to ours were real live Irishmen! One was from Northern Ireland and one was from Ireland, and they were in town today with the McCartney sisters who were visiting the White House to discuss problems with the Irish Republican Army and Sinn Fein.

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