Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hawk and Dove, Washington, D.C.

Last weekend, Ryan, Brian, Riley, and I lunched at the Hawk and Dove, an Irish pub on Capitol Hill that is greatly popular with Congressional staffers. Most people go there for beer and bar snacks, but they also have a full menu with interesting things, including, that day, a special Irish menu in honor of St. Patrick's Day weekend.

Ryan started off with the artichoke dip. I tasted a wasn't really the best I'd ever had. It was rather hard to eat, since the dip kept slipping off the chips, but then as we got into it, I realized that they had whole, small artichoke hearts in there instead of having chopped them up. They get points for not skimping on the artichoke.


Brian and Riley had the clam chowder, an interesting experience, since Brian's from Maine and Riley's from New Hampshire, and both are quite familiar with a variety of clam chowder styles. I think the verdict was "okay."


For our main courses, Ryan and I chose crab sandwiches on the regular menu, he the crab melt and me the crab reuben. I wasn't quite sure about the crab reuben, since I was trying to imagine crab and sauerkraut, but this version came with a side of cole slaw instead of sauerkraut. The sandwich was okay, though nothing to rave about....I think Ryan felt the same about his crab melt. Both sandwiches were accompanied by French fries.


Brian ordered the fish and chips. Now, in England, the fish fried for fish and chip is usually cod. That's not the case at the Hawk and Dove: they used catfish! I thought it looked a touch overly brown, but Brian said it was very good.


Riley was the only one to select from the Irish menu, getting the lamb stew. In Ireland on St. Patrick's Day, instead of the corned beef and cabbage we Americans seem to favor, the Irish generally eat lamb stew. Riley reported that he had no complaints with his stew. It did come with some nice looking soda bread.


Now, the Hawk and Dove is a bar, not a fancy restaurant, so I thought the food was pretty good judging on a bar standard. It was fun, too, and we had a great waitress who seemed to have worked there for years. We were there just after the lunch rush, so we didn't get to see any important staffers lunching...maybe on our next trip.

Here's Riley and his Guinness Stout with a little Kody Pose:


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